A Letter To Our Daughters.

In 2019, just before the pandemic, a text I wrote to my daughter was published on Arianna Huffington’s Thrive Global. in the form of a letter, that is how long my text was! It was an unexpected honour, encouraged by a close friend who insisted I submit it for consideration. What started as a personal moment between mother and daughter was destined to be shared with more and eventually resonated with a much larger audience. I am sharing it on my site today as it needs a permanent home. Looking back, had I known what was coming with the pandemic, I might have added some thoughts on navigating that unprecedented time. Do you have special advice you would give to a sister, friend or daughter today?

Never dumb down or question who you are, neither for a man nor anyone else.

Be prepared to make mistakes, humans are messy, it’s how we grow. 

Allow for loss, we can’t win it all and, if you fall, always get back up, otherwise, it’s called defeat and it can grow to define you if you invite it to stay. 

Live life fully for yourself first, for others after and for the earth’s good always.

Invade your own thoughts before you escape into the minds of others. 

Let songs find you and sing them loud, recite poetry when you can’t find the words you need and praise yourself often for even the smallest things in life, it is in the validation of ourselves that we grow strong roots.

Pick up your underwear, socks, and sweaters off the floor but never your self-worth, it shouldn’t ever be as low as the floor and if it is, then brush it off,  be kind and tuck it back into your heart.

Follow your own destiny in its forever-changing path and choose the fork in the road that feels right in your soul. 

If wandering, and feeling lost on a path that feels “wrong” remember there is no “wrong” for on all paths there are lessons to be learned. Forgive your transgressions but accept the wisdom from them. 

Accept your mind, body, and soul as they show up each day even if it’s not exactly as you want them to be, it is exactly how they are supposed to be on any particular day. 

Always close your day with gratitude for the things that have come to pass, give thanks for those lingering moments and those yet to come.  

Trust in yourself, have faith in your humanity and kind heart.

Trust also your ability to manifest your dreams and remember to love yourself, always. 

There is no one coming to rescue you, you must dig deep and be vulnerable enough to rescue yourself.

In “doing”  we learn how to be, in being we learn to love and in loving we learn the acceptance of our story from which we grow and thrive.

                              With love, always,   Fran